
Worker Retraining (WRT)

Available to students who have been laid off, receive or have exhausted unemployment benefits, are 鈥渄isplaced homemakers,鈥 veterans, formerly self-employed, underemployed, or currently working in stop gap employment. If any of these apply, you may be eligible for the program.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Facing a layoff and eligible to collect unemployment benefits.
  • Currently collecting unemployment benefits.
  • Exhausted unemployment benefits within past 48 months.
  • Displaced Homemakers (dependent on income of another family member and no longer supported by that income).
  • Self-employed and now unemployed.
  • Honorably discharged veteran within the past 48 months.
  • Active-Duty Military with an official order of separation.
  • Stop-Gap employment (temporary work accepted only because of layoff or termination due to no fault of your own).

Approved Educational Pathways

Programs have to be listed on the ESD.wa.gov Occupations in Demand list for Grays Harbor County in order to be eligible. Some of the most common programs that WRT at GHC supports are:

  • Accounting
  • Automotive
  • Business Management
  • Business Technology
  • Carpentry
  • CDL
  • Certified Nursing Assistant
  • Diesel
  • Medical Assistant
  • Nursing
  • Welding

*Programs are not limited to these as they can be approved if they are on the Occupations in Demand list. The Program Coordinator will determine eligibility at the time of your appointment.


  • Tuition assistance*
  • Required textbooks and supplies for classes
  • Transportation assistance
  • Educational planning and advising
  • Completion Aid

*WRT Financial Aid (tuition) should be used as start-up funds and is awarded for one quarter. Awards beyond this first quarter should be made on a case-by-case basis, following established local polices.

Program Staff

Karyn Olson
Worker Retraining Coordinator

Savannah Thompson
Program Assistant

(360) 538-4058

Apply for Funding

This application is used for BFET, OPG, WRT, WF and EAG. Please only complete one application and it will be evaluated for all five programs.

For a printable version of the application, please contact the Workforce Funding office by emailing wfspinfo@ghc.edu or by calling (360) 538-4058. We are open Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm.