
Student Support

Frustrated Student

Counseling & Advising

Do you need academic advising, counseling services, or career counseling services? Maybe you are experiencing personal issues that are affecting your school work, maybe you would like to change classes or check on your degree progress, or maybe you would like someone to talk to about choosing a major or career direction.

Hands holding some money

Financial Aid

From Federal and State Financial Aid to Grants, Loans, and Student Employment (Work Study), there are many ways to get help paying for your eduction. To see the options available to you, go to the Financial Aid page.

A tutor working with a student

Get Help With Classes

Are you struggling with your classes? Are you having difficulty with your writing assignments? Do you need help with a computer project for a class? Tutoring services are available to students through our Learning Center, writing assistance is available to students through our Writing Center, and class project assistance is available through our Media Center.

Person extending a helping hand.

Disability Support Services

Disability Support Services assists qualified students with Physical, Learning, Sensory, Cognitive, and/or Psychological disabilities by identifying and coordinating reasonable accommodations for equal access to academic programs and activities.  

Helping Hands


TRiO provides all sorts of assistance to students who are new or unfamiliar with the college system. Our activities are designed to increase students’ academic success at the college and assist in transfer to four- year schools.

Have Questions?

Find the Student Support Center on the 2nd floor of the tulalW building, on the main campus in Aberdeen. You can also call us at 360-538-4099!

Services provided are available to students on main campus as well as the Riverview and Columbia Education Centers.