
Running Start FERPA

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)

Running Start students have the same rights and responsibilities as any other college student. All student educational records are maintained according to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), concerning information that becomes part of the permanent record and governing the conditions of its disclosure. Only the student's name, dates of enrollment, and degrees earned can be released without the student's authorization. If a student would like their parent/guardian to access student records, the student needs to grant the Running Start staff permission to talk to the parent/guardian by filling out a Records Release Form. All college credits earned are posted to the high school transcript and available through the student's high school. College instructors cannot speak to parents/guardians about students.

For questions about this law and Running Start students please contact the Running Start Coordinator at 360.538.2526.