Graduation FAQs
Is there a rehearsal for the graduation ceremony?
There will not be a rehearsal at the 2024 ceremony. Doors to the Stewart Field will open at 5:30 p.m. Graduates should arrive at the stadium no later than 6:00 p.m. on June 21.
More info about the 2024 Commencement Ceremony will be sent by email to students who have registered to attend and also be available on this web page as the date approaches.
What time should I show up at Stewart Field?
Doors to the venue will open at 5:30 pm. Graduates should arrive no later than 6:00 pm to make sure they have plenty of time to check-in and get in line.
Is a cap and gown required to participate in the ceremony?
Yes, a cap and gown are required to participate in the commencement ceremony. Students who have applied for and are eligible for their degree are able to participate in the 2024 commencement ceremony.
Does the college give out cords for special designations?
Instead of academic honor cords, students who are graduating with a 3.5 GPA or higher will be listed in the program as a 鈥淧resident鈥檚 Scholar鈥 and receive a scholar pin during the ceremony.
How do I pick up my cap and gown?
To arrange a time to pick-up at the Aberdeen campus, email Student Life at, call or Emma Benson at; 360-591-8709 or; 360-538-4066. Pacific County students who need make an appointment to pick-up in Raymond, email or call 360-538-4023.
Can I participate in the Commencement Ceremony if I finish my program/degree this summer or fall quarter?
Please reach out to Enrollment Services/Welcome Center for degree eligibility requirements for commencement at
If I am only completing a certificate, can I participate in the ceremony this spring?
No. Only degree-seeking students are eligible to participate in the annual ceremony.
How many guests can attend the ceremony?
Since the ceremony is not a ticketed event, there is no limit to the number of guests that you can invite. Doors to the Stewart Field open at 5:30 p.m.
Are tickets required for entrance to the ceremony?
No. the ceremony is not a ticketed event, therefore no tickets are required. There is no limit to the number of guests that you can invite. Doors to the Stewart Field open at 5:30 p.m.
What is the difference between the Degree/Certificate Application and ceremony registration?
The communicates to 麻豆传媒 and our credentials evaluator that we need to go through your transcript and verify that you are eligible to complete your academic program. The annual Commencement Ceremony honors any eligible student completing a degree granted by GHC during the fall, winter, spring quarters of the current academic year.
How do I register to receive accommodations for myself or family members attending the Commencement Ceremony?
If you or your family members need any ADA accommodations to fully attend and/or participate in the commencement ceremony please contact Holly Edwards, Accessibility Support Services Coordinator at 360-538-4143 or
To ensure accommodations will be in place prior to your arrival, please contact us by Friday, June 14. We will do everything in our power to accommodate any requests that are submitted after the priority deadline.