
Conditions of Your Award

Conditions of your Financial Aid Award

To receive the financial aid offered during this academic year, you must agree to and continue to meet the following conditions:

  1. By applying for financial aid and registering for classes you are authorizing us to use your financial aid to pay your tuition and required course fees from your aid programs when your award is completed. This includes GHC Student Payment Plan.
  2. Enrollment and Withdrawal – You must enroll in the required classes for your eligible degree or certificate program and maintain the required number of credits for your enrollment status each quarter.  These credit requirements apply to all quarters:

Full-time is 12 or more credits,
¾ time is 9-11 credits,
½ time is 6-8 credits and
less than ½ time is 5 or fewer credits.

  1. Your enrollment status for a quarter will be determined as of 5:00 p.m. on the 10th day of each quarter (or the 6th day for the shorter summer quarter). Changes to your enrollment through this date may result in an adjustment to your award and may result in your having to repay a portion of the award already received.
  2. Satisfactory Academic Progress – You must maintain satisfactory academic progress to remain eligible for your financial aid award.
  3. Changes in Financial Situations – You must report any changes which affect your total financial resources as they occur. These include changes in your, and/or your parents’, income, marital status, scholarships, veteran benefits or other assistance from off campus agencies.
  4. Insufficient Funding of Aid Programs – This offer of aid depends on Federal and State allocations to the college. If allocations are not sufficient, we may reduce your financial aid award or change the types of aid awarded.

See also: Financial Aid - Your Rights and Responsibilities