
When a Placement Test is Not Required

The test is required of all students planning to register for a course that has a reading, English or math prerequisite, with the following exceptions:

  • Students who have taken the Smarter Balanced test through their high schools within one year and can demonstrate that they have met the required scores for the courses they wish to take;
  • Students who have taken a college placement test or had their placement determined by another means at another Washington community or technical college;
  • Students who are transferring into GHC and have passing grades in English and math courses listed on their transfer transcript (they may still need to take the reading test);
  • Students who recently attended Aberdeen, Hoquiam, Montesano or Elma high schools may be able to use their high school math grades to determine math placement.

Students who meet one of the above criteria should consult with the Student Support Center by calling 360-538-4099.