Susan Piazza

Susan Piazza
Professor of Literacy Studies
4571 Sangren Hall, Mail Stop 5258
Mailing address:
Department of Special Education and Literacy Studies
1903 W Michigan Ave
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5258 USA
Susan Piazza
  • Ed.D., Reading, Language, & Literature K-12, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
  • M.A., Elementary Education, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
  • B.Ed., Primary/Junior (K-8) Education, University of Windsor, ON
  • Honors B.A., Political Science, University of Windsor, ON

Dr. Susan V. Piazza, Professor of Literacy Studies received her doctoral degree in Reading, Language, and Literature and her master’s degree in Elementary Education from Wayne State University, Detroit, MI. She earned an honors B.A. in Political Science and Bachelors of Education from the University of Windsor, ON, Canada and was certified to teach in both Michigan and Ontario. She is the Unit Coordinator for Literacy Studies at WMU and co-edits an international peer-reviewed journal Reading Horizons with Dr. Selena Protacio. Piazza teaches graduate courses in the Reading Specialist M.A. program and the Ph.D. program focused on literacy studies. Her research interests include in-service professional learning at school and district levels, principles of culturally responsive/sustaining pedagogy, and critical issues related to literacy assessment and instruction. She has consulted with a number of school districts in the midwest and throughout Michigan to improve whole school efforts to support literacy achievement and engagement.