
Facts and Statistics

Facts at a Glance

College Service Area

麻豆传媒 was founded in 1930, and serves a two-county district comprised of Grays Harbor and Pacific counties in southwestern Washington. Within this 3,000-square-mile district, numerous rural communities combine for a total population of approximately 99,068 people. For comparison, the population of the combined Olympia, Tumwater, & Lacey metropolitan area was 134,481 as of the 2020 Census. 麻豆传媒 has campuses in Aberdeen, Raymond, and Ilwaco, and provides educational opportunities at Stafford Creek Corrections Center (SCCC), which is located in the service area.

Students at SCCC are able to complete their high school equivalency and earn certificates and associate degrees in various fields.

Grays Harbor and Pacific counties are mostly rural and traditionally have relied heavily on the fishing and timber industries. The region has been heavily affected by the decline of these industries and the recent recession.

Grays Harbor and Pacific counties are also home to several Native American nations, including the Quinault, Chehalis, Shoalwater Bay, and Chinook Indian Nations. Many members of the Grays Harbor and Pacific County communities are employed by Nation-owned businesses.

2023-24 Student and Service Area Demographics

Definitions are below the table.

 2023-24 Academic Year  All GHC Students State-Funded Only  Running Start Only 

GHC Service Area of Grays Harbor and Pacific Counties

 Unique Headcount   3,146  1,885  450  99,068
 % Female  45%  60%  60%  49%
 % HU Students of Color  33%  36%  26%  15%
 Median Age  28 26 17 44 (GH)/55 (P)
 % Attending Full Time (12+ credits)  38%  42%  70%  n/a
 % Receiving Need-Based Aid  n/a  60%  n/a  n/a

% Receiving Pell Grant 

n/a 34% n/a n/a

Demographic Definitions

  • All Students includes all students who attend Grays Harbor college. This includes Running Start (11th and 12th grade students attending college for both High School and College Credit), English Language Learners (ELA), adult students earning a high school diploma or equivalency (Basic Education for Adults (BEdA) or Transitions), students in college level classes for skills training or to pursue an Associate or Bachelor of Applied Science degree, community/continuing education, and education provided through the Stafford Creek Corrections Center. For this report, students are grouped into broad categories of: Running Start, Stafford Creek, Continuing Education (not currently reported), and State-Funded students. State-Funded includes ELA, High-School Equivalency, and college-level students who are not in one of the previous categories.
  • HU Students of Color (HU-SoC) Historically Underserved Students of Color is a demographic grouping used by the WA State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (WA SBCTC) to measure equity gaps. It includes individuals who are at least one of: Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Native American or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.
  • Full-Time is defined as taking 12 or more college-level credits in a given quarter. However, a student needs to take 15 credits per quarter to finish an Associate degree within 2 years.

2023-24 Demographics (Selected Populations)

The demographics in this section reflect all unique State-Funded and Running Start Students from 2023-24. State-Funded includes ELA, Transitions, Developmental Ed (Pre-College), and College-Level Courses.

Unique Students by Student Type

A bubble chart breaking GHC鈥檚 2023-24 unique student count into 3 bubbles: 1,885 state-funded students, 450 running start students, and 811 students from Stafford Creek Corrections Center. The bubble size corresponds to the number of students.

By Gender

  • % Female: 60%
  • % Male: 40%

% Full/Part-Time

Full-time students are those taking 12 or more credits in a single quarter. Based on first full quarter of attendance (fall, winter, spring) or summer if only attended during summer.

  • Full Time: 58%
  • Part-Time: 42%

By Age Group

 Age Group State + Running Start State Alone
 19 & Under 35% 20%
 20-24 21% 25%
 25-29 11% 14%
30-39 19% 24%
40 & Above 14% 17%

Pell Grant Recipient

  • % Received Pell: 34%

Note: The denominator for Received Pell only includes State-Funded students. Running Start students are not eligible for Pell Grants.

Historically Underserved Students of Color

  • % Historically Underserved Students of Color: 34%

Historically Underserved Students of Color include American Indian / Alaska Native, Black or African American, Latino/Hispanic, Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islanders, and students reporting Two or More Races, where one of the races is in that list.

By Race/Ethnicity

 Race Ethnicity % of Unique State Funded + Running Start Students
 American Indian/Alaska Native  2.8%
 Asian 1.8%
 Black or African American   1.5%
 Latino/Hispanic 22.8%
 Pacific Islander  0.2%
 Race/Ethnicity Unknown  11.4%
Two or more groups 6.8%
White 52.8%

2023-24 Enrollment

In addition to college-level certificates, associate degrees, and bachelor of applied science degrees, GHC provides contract training, continuing and community education, and education at the Stafford Creek Corrections Center. The following table counts each student once, and shows the breakout of enrollment across the types of students that GHC serves.

 2023-24 Cohort  Unique Students  Annual FTES  % of Annual FTES  Median Age
 State-Funded  1,885  1,005  60.0%  26
 Running Start  450 382 22.8% 17
 Stafford Creek  811 281 16.8% 39
 Grand Total 3,167 1,673 100.0% 28

FTE stands for Full-Time Equivalency, and is the equivalent of 45 credits over the course of an academic year. An associate degree is usually around 90 credits. To complete an associate degree in two years, a student would need to complete 15 credits per quarter, or 45 credits each year.

For the following charts, figures have been rounded, and may not add to 100%.

% Of Annual Headcount (Unique Students) by Student Type

A pie chart showing that 60% of GHC鈥檚 total 2023-24 headcount (unique students) is state-funded, 14% is running start, and 26% is from Stafford Creek Corrections Center.


% of Annual FTE by Student Type

A pie chart showing that 60% of GHC鈥檚 total 2023-24 FTE is state-funded, 23% is running start, and 17% is from Stafford Creek Corrections Center.


FTE By Course Intent: Selected populations

The following pie chart details enrollments for State Funded and Running Start students by the intent of the course: Basic Education for Adults (includes ELA), Pre-College, Transfer courses, and Workforce/Vocational courses. This chart only includes enrollments for State Funded and Running Start students.

A pie chart showing that 56% of GHC鈥檚 2023-24 state-funded & running start FTE is for transfer courses, 29% is from career and technical education, 10% is adult basic education including ELA, and 5% is from pre-college prep courses.


2023-24 Completions

The number of completions by Academic Year. The count is the number of degrees earned, and not number of students. Some students will have earned more than one degree and will be represented more than once in the count.

 Degree Type 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
 High school/GED  35 79 122 187
Certificate: <45 Credits  81 48 72 76
 Certificate: 45+ Credits 51 58 39 19
 Associates in Applied Science 61 75 67 44
Associates in Applied Science, Transfer 12 7 9 4

Associates of Arts DTA

211 183 218 203

Associates of Science

12 11 9 13

Associates of Science DTA

11 5 7 8

Associates of Technology

22 13 12 11

Bachelors of Applied Science

31 27 28 15

Total Awards

527 506 583 580

DTA means 鈥淒irect Transfer Agreement,鈥 these degrees have articulation agreements with certain 4-year colleges where students can transfer in as a junior.

SBCTC provides  for tracking enrollment, award completion and other student progress measures, faculty and staff, and financial information for all colleges in the WA Community and Technical College system.

In order to productively engage with equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) issues, it is important to have a shared understanding of the language that we use. The Diversity Advisory Committee developed a glossary of Diversity Definitions during the 2021 academic year. To access this glossary, please visit /edi/diversity-definitions.