
Accommodation Responsibilities

Is it the instructor or the college's responsibility to accommodate the student's disability? 

Instructors, Accessibility Services (AS), Counseling Services, IT, Enrollment Services, Financial Aid, etc., are "the college" and work in partnership with authorized accommodations. Disability law is clear that colleges must provide reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. AS is responsible for identifying what accommodations are necessary so students with disabilities are not unfairly restricted, limited or discriminated by the impact of the disability.

Some accommodations will be provided by instructors i.e. providing large print, allowing the use of recorders, preferential seating, locating a classmate note-taker, and flexibility in attendance, etc. Other accommodations will be coordinated by AS i.e. brailing, captioning, matching up interpreters, providing written material in alternative format, quiet rooms for tests, etc.

When a student presents their Letter of Accommodation, what is the instructor's responsibility with academic accommodations?

  1. Review the LOA with student for application and reasonableness with course curriculum.
  2. Discuss with the student methods for providing and coordinating accommodation(s) in specific situations/classes.
  3. Provide the college authorized accommodations as outlined by AS in the LOA.
  4. Maintain confidentiality when speaking with students regarding LOA (e.g. do not speak with the student in front of classmates, instead, have conversations before and/or after class or during instructor's office hours).

What is AS' responsibility in helping a student receive academic accommodations?

  1. Answer students' questions about AS and accommodations; and provide orientation packet.
  2. Once documentation is received from student and/or outside medical provider review documentation of a disability.
  3. Meet with student and complete an Intake Interview to assess and identify reasonable accommodations.
  4. Develop LOA with the student for distribution to each course instructor.
  5. Upon request, help students and instructors with the coordination of accommodation.
  6. Serve as an advocate for the college and students to ensure equal opportunity and equal access are available through reasonable accommodations in the classroom, with testing, and all college programs and activities.

What is the student's responsibility in receiving academic accommodations?

  1. Contact AS to request accommodations for a documented disability.
  2. Provide historical and/or recent documentation that diagnoses the disability and supports requested reasonable accommodations.
  3. Complete an Intake Interview.
  4. Complete a Letter of Accommodation (LOA) Request Form each quarter.
  5. Activate LOA with each instructor and provide a copy of the LOA.
  6. Discuss and work with each instructor to determine the best method of executing the authorized accommodation with course curriculum.
  7. Self-advocate and contact instructor with concerns and questions that arise about accommodations or academic progress. Contact AS if additional collaboration is required?

What is the deadline for students to ask for accommodations?

There is no deadline for students to contact Accessibility Services. Although students are encouraged to contact AS prior to any quarter, they may register with AS or request their LOA any time throughout the quarter.