
Spanish II

Course Number: 
Course Credits: 
Course Description: 
Second class in sequence. Learn the fundamental skills of listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing. Develop an awareness of Spanish speaking countries and their cultures. Satisfies humanities distribution area E requirement or specified elective for the AA degree.
Course Prerequisites: 
Recommended Preparation: SPAN& 122
Course Outcomes: 

Upon successful completion of Spanish 122, students will:

  • Be able to respond appropriately (in action, verbally, and in writing) to basic-intermediate oral questions and verbal cues in Spanish;
  • Be able to effectively engage in basic to intermediate level conversations with other Spanish speakers on a variety of topics in Spanish, including speaking from one’s personal experience and perspectives and eliciting these from others;
  • Be able to demonstrate comprehension of and paraphrase short to medium-length texts in Spanish;
  • Be able to compose basic to intermediate level sentences and short to medium length paragraphs in Spanish using appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structures;
  • Be able to identify and describe Spanish-speaking countries and cultures; identify and explain key differences and similarities between these and the student’s own culture(s).