
Spanish I

Course Number: 
Course Credits: 
Course Description: 
First class in 100 level sequence. Introduction to the four basic skills of listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing. Develop an awareness of Spanish speaking countries and their cultures. Satisfies humanities distribution area E requirement or specified elective for the AA degree.
Course Prerequisites: 
Recommended Preparation: ENGL 095
Course Outcomes: 

Upon completion of Spanish 121, students will:

  • Be able to comprehend Spanish that is spoken at novice-low conversational speed that deals with everyday topics;
  • Be able to engage in simple, everyday conversations with speakers of Spanish;
  • Be able to read non-technical Spanish of beginning to moderate difficulty on different topics, including aspects of Spanish-language cultures;
  • Be able to write sentences and short paragraphs correctly in Spanish on topics presented in the class and selected texts;
  • Be able to reflect on basic knowledge about the countries and cultures where Spanish is spoken and will be aware of essential differences and similarities between these cultures and their own native cultures.