
English Composition I

Course Number: 
Course Credits: 
Course Description: 
ENGL& 101 covers rhetorical principles and the development of evidence-backed expository and argumentative texts. Students will engage in a writing process to produce compositions that demonstrate audience awareness and use appropriate writing conventions. 5 Lecture Hours. Satisfies writing skills requirement for the AA degree.
Course Prerequisites: 
Prerequisite: Appropriate English placement test score, a grade of "C" or better in ENGL 095, or instructor permission.
Course Outcomes: 

Upon completing English 101, students will be able to:

  • Read and think critically about texts as part of a composing process
  • Use rhetorical knowledge (audience, purpose, etc.) and make conscious rhetorical choices to analyze and compose texts
  • Identify information needs and locate, analyze, critically evaluate, integrate, and appropriately attribute information sources
  • Engage and reflect upon a composing process, that includes inventing, drafting, participating in a feedback process, revising, and editing