
Introduction/Orientation to Teaching

Course Number: 
EDUC 201
Course Credits: 
Course Description: 
Designed as a course for the student interested in a teaching career. Examines the qualities of good teachers, basic teaching skills, the rewards and responsibilities of teaching, the history and philosophy of teaching, and current innovations in teaching. 5 lecture hours. Satisfies specified elective requirement for the AA degree.
Course Prerequisites: 
Recommended Preparation: ENGL 095 or placement in ENGL&101; READ 090 or placement in college level reading or instructor permission .
Course Outcomes: 
  • Identify the professional roles, skills, and educational requirements of teachers
  • Demonstrate understanding of the theoretical principles and research in learning, motivation, and development and their implications for educational practice.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the development of the education systems in the United States (history of education, law of education, finance of education, current issues).
  • Demonstrate understanding and application of curricula, standards, and assessment