
Human Services Program Outcomes

After successfully completing the Human Services requirements, students will:

  • Identify the knowledge, values and skills expected of an effective Human Service Worker (empathy, confidentiality, etc.).
  • Identify the range of Human Services in society and their functions.
  • Identify factors that influence why people act, think and feel as they do.
  • Develop knowledge of the characteristics of selected consumer populations and their typical challenges in accordance with students’ interest or service focus.
  • Identify various strategies and tactics used to assist consumers to achieve agreed upon service objectives.
  • Establish a respectful, nonjudgmental, and professional therapeutic or supportive relationship with colleagues and consumers of human services in a variety of practice settings.
  • Gather, assemble and interpret data through various methods necessary to determine consumers’ strengths and barriers that interfere with their ability to overcome adversity or achieve valued life goals.
  • Assist consumers to identify and clarify, define establish meaningful service needs.
  • In consultation with consumers design and implement an action plan to achieve agreed upon service goals
  • Help consumers identify access, develop and make use of supportive and helpful resources and opportunities in their social environments.
  • Use critical thinking skills to make sound and reasoned decisions regarding common ethical dilemmas encountered in various practice settings.
  • Learn to critically assess one’s own professional effectiveness in helping consumers achieve desired goals.
  • Earn entry level positions in Human Services.