Page Chan - Spring 2023
Page Chan (she/her) has mentioned that her experience at GHC has been like eating a bowl of rice. Eating plain rice over and over can be boring, so making a variety of dishes like fried rice or soup can definitely increase the flavor. The thought of being back in school is like plain rice, dreadful. But, after working through the classes and quarters you get a variety of choices. The opportunities Page has gotten can be the taste of rice. The courses that she is interested in, she wants to take more while the classes I’m not interested in she doesn’t want. TRIO has helped Page in so many ways, whether it was helping me with GHC or even with opportunities TRIO has offered. Page enrolled in GHC in the fall of 2022, after she graduated from high school. She chose to enroll in GHC because she wants to pursue a degree as a first generation in her family. She wants to get an education so she can get more opportunities for jobs to later help support her family. GHC is close to home and is a big stepping stone in her career.
The program she is enrolled in is an AS-T (Associate in Science). Page decided to participate in this because of her love for science and helping people. She wants to work in a lab and help find warnings of diseases in cells and prevent them to help people.
Page’s educational goal is to earn her AS-T at GHC, then later transfer to a four-year college to earn her bachelor’s degree. After achieving these goals, she plans to get a job as a Cytotechnologist. A CT works in the lab, studying cells for unknown diseases or abnormalities.
The advice that she would give is, “don’t underestimate your own worth. You may procrastinate and believe it’s too hard and you should quit. All the stress and anxiety you get from studying for an exam or even trying to balance life and school is worth it. It pushes you to get to your goal and come out alive.â€
She would love to mention she comes from a family of refugees. Her family came from Laos and believe that women should be a household wife. When coming to America, they were still wrapping around their head, that it’s different from their homeland. Completing college and reaching her career is a big culture shock and she wants to prove to her family I can do it.