ࡱ> k ,bjbj88 4xRbxRb#6!6!6!6!6!J!J!J!8!\!\J!R:$:$:$:$:$&&&RRTRTRTRTRTRTR$TeWxR6!&%@&&&xR6!6!:$:$R(((&j6!:$6!:$RR(&RR((jH L:$0rեi&jdJ2>RR0RJvW&Wd L L&W6!2L &&(&&&&&xRxR'&&&R&&&&W&&&&&&&&&B :  ASSOCIATE in PRE-NURSING WORKSHEET: 2024-2025  Degree Overview This degree is applicable for students planning to transfer to an upper division Bachelor of Science, Nursing (Entry to practice/basic BSN pathway). The student completes a minimum of 90 credits in courses numbered 100 or above with a minimum of 2.0 cumulative college-level GPA.  Communications (10 credits) Cr ___ENGL& 101 English Composition I 5 ___ENGL& 102 English Composition II 5 OR ___ENGL& 235 Technical Writing 5 (See note 1) Quantitative/Symbolic Reasoning Skills (5 Credits) Cr ___MATH& 146 Introduction to Statistics 5 (See note 2) Distribution Requirements (65 credits required) Students should make early contact with their potential transfer institutions regarding the specific courses they should take in these distribution areas. Social Science (15 credits) Cr ___PSYC& 100 General Psychology 5 ___PSYC& 200 Lifespan Psychology 5 ___SOC& 101 Introduction to Sociology 5 (See note 3) Humanities (15 credits) Cr ___CMST& 220 Public Speaking 5 Choose ten additional credits from the following humanities courses: No more than 10 credits per discipline area; 5 credits maximum in world languages or ASL. No more than 5 credits of performance/skills classes are allowed. * denotes performance/skills class (See note 4) Area A: Visual Arts Cr ___ART& 100 Art Appreciation 5 ___ART 101 Beginning Drawing* 5 ___ART 104 2D Design* 5 ___ART 105 3D Design* 5 ___ART 250 History of Art: Japan 5  Humanities (continued) Area B: Theatrical Arts Cr ___DRMA& 101 Intro. to Theatre 5 ___FILM 125 Film Interpretation 5 ___THEA 161 Intro. to Acting* 5 ___THEA 163 Intro. to Directing* 3 Area C: Musical Arts Cr ___MUSIC 100 Music Fundamentals 5 ___MUSC& 105 Music Appreciation 5 ___MUSC& 121 Ear Training I 2 ___MUSC& 131 Music Theory I 3 Area D: Literary Arts Cr ___ENGL& 111 Intro. to Literature 5 ___ENGL 208 Surv. Brit. Lit. to 1800 5 ___ENGL 209 Brit. Lit. 1800-Present 5 ___ENGL& 220 Intro. to Shakespeare 5 ___ENGL 233 Childrens Literature 5 ___ENGL 246 Queer Literature 5 ___ENGL& 244 ___ENGL 252 Intro. to American Lit. Survey of World Lit. 5 5 ___ENGL 275 Gender in Literature 5 Area E: Languages (5 credit maximum) Cr ___ASL& 121 Amer. Sign Lang. I 5 ___ASL& 122 Amer. Sign Lang. II 5 ___ASL& 123 Amer. Sign Lang. III 5 ___SPAN& 121 Spanish I 5 ___SPAN& 122 Spanish II 5 ___SPAN& 123 Spanish III 5 Area F: Communications Cr ___CMST& 101 Intro. to Com. 5 ___CMST& 210 Interpersonal Com. 5 ___CMST& 230 Small Grp. Com. 5 ___CMST& 240 Intercultural Com. 5 Note: The required CMST& 220, Public Speaking, is within the Communications discipline area. So, no more than 5 additional credits from Area F above is allowed. A maximum of 10 credits are allowed per discipline area. Area G: Culture and Ideas ___LING 101 Intro. World Language 5 ___PHIL& 101 Intro. to Philosophy 5 ___PHIL& 115 Critical Thinking 5 Courses transferred from other colleges Area Course Cr.  Natural Sciences (35 credits) (L) = includes lab Cr ___BIOL& 160 General Biology (L) 5 ___BIOL& 241 Human Anat. / Phys. I (L) 5 ___BIOL& 242 Human Anat. / Phys. II (L) 5 ___BIOL& 260 Microbiology (L) 5 ___CHEM& 121 Intro. to Chemistry (L) 5 ___CHEM& 131 Intro. to Organic and Biochemistry (L) 5 ___NUTR& 101 Nutrition 5 (See note 5) Required Electives (10 credits) Up to ten additional quarter credits of which a maximum of five credits may be in college-level courses as defined by the community college, and the remainder shall be fully transferable as defined by the receiving institution. (See note 6) Courses transferred from other colleges Area Course Cr. See notes on the reverse page. *This worksheet is intended to be used for planning purposes. See Admissions and Records for official degree audit information.Revised 10-14-24 Application to a University or College Admissions application deadlines vary; students must meet the deadline for the university or universities to which they plan to apply for admission to transfer. For admission to nursing as a major it is critical to note that grade point average requirements vary, and admission is competitive across the several programs in nursing. Certain schools may have additional university-specific requirements that are not pre-requisites to admission to the nursing major but will need to be completed prior to graduation or, as noted below for Northwest University, prior to commencement of nursing courses. Contact with advisors from individual schools for institutional requirements is highly recommended since this DTA may not meet every institution-specific graduation requirement. NU, for example, requires 12 credits of Biblical Literacy prior to beginning nursing classes. Certain schools may have additional university-specific requirements for admission to the institution that are not pre-requisites specifically identified in the DTA requirements. UW Seattle, for example, requires 10 credits of a world language if the applicant has not completed two years of a single language in high school; PLU requires a year of a foreign language at the college level, if two years of high school foreign language has not been completed. Notes Note 1: Northwest University and Walla Walla College require that the second English composition class be a research writing class. Note 2: UW Seattle and Seattle University require 10 credits in quantitative/symbolic reasoning with the additional class in college algebra or precalculus (at UW Seattle, a class in Logic also serves for the additional class). Note 3: Northwest University requires Cultural Anthropology and does not accept a course in the sociology discipline as a substitute. Students may be admitted to the BSN without Cultural Anthropology if they agree to complete the course at NU in the summer prior to the junior year. A curriculum that provides students with an understanding of and sensitivity to human diversity is encouraged (required by WSU). The credits in sociology provide one opportunity for such a curriculum. See the sociology choices in the WSU Diversity Course Identification Guidelines for possible selection or choose courses that include minority, nonwestern, ethnic or other area studies.  Note 4: In order to better prepare for successful transfer, students are encouraged to consult with the institution(s) to which they wish to transfer regarding the humanities courses that best support or may be required as prerequisites to their nursing curriculum. A curriculum that provides students with an understanding of and sensitivity to human diversity is encouraged (required by WSU). Credits in the humanities distribution area provide one opportunity for such a curriculum. See the humanities choices in the WSU Diversity Course Identification Guidelines for possible selection or choose courses that include minority, non-western, ethnic or other area studies. 5 credits maximum in world language or ASL; 5 credits maximum in performance/skills classes. Note 5: Northwest University requires 2 credits of genetics as well. Students may be admitted to the BSN without genetics if they agree to complete the course at NU in the summer prior to the junior year. At the time of application when some of the course work may not yet be completed, UW Seattle requires a minimum GPA of 3.0 for 3 out of 7 courses or 2.8 for 4 out of the 7. Note 6: A curriculum that provides students with an understanding of and sensitivity to human diversity is encouraged (required by WSU). The elective credits provide one opportunity for such a curriculum. See the humanities choices in the WSU Diversity Course Identification Guidelines for possible selection or choose course that include minority, non-western, ethnic or other area studies. This degree requires completion of a minimum of ninety credits in academic courses numbered 100 or above with a minimum of 2.0 cumulative GPA. Required are ten credits in writing skills and five credits in quantitative skills (statistics) plus fifteen credits in social sciences, fifteen credits in humanities, thirty-five credits in natural sciences and ten credits of general elective coursework. Students should contact their potential transfer institutions regarding the requirement for overall minimum GPA, a higher GPA in a selected subset of courses or a specific minimum grade in one or more courses such as math or English. Registered nurses perform health assessment, plan care, and intervene to assist persons in the prevention of illness, the promotion, restoration, or maintenance of health, and in end-of-life care for persons who are dying. Registered nurses work in a variety of health care settings including hospitals, nursing homes, community and home health agencies, schools, and offices. A license is required to practice professional nursing. Applicants for licensure in Washington State must be graduates of a school of nursing approved by the Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission, an agency of the Department of Health.     Name: Date:  &*,./0123CD[ ] ^ _ ` a b ľnbRLALhv5CJ\aJ hvCJjhvCJUmHnHuhMHhvCJ\aJ(hvB*CJaJfHph)+,q .hMHhvB*CJaJfHph)+,q (hvB*OJQJfHph)+,q h5 `hv5CJ\aJ hW CJhmhCJaJ(jhmhCJUaJmHnHuhmh6mh?h3hvhh2\023CD\ ^ ` a b ~  $$Ifa$gdvK$ $IfgdvK$ $Ifgdv $$Ifa$gdv $Ifgd2(@&gdmb p } ~  ) = ? 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