Control Self-Assessment Questionnaire

Find out what your control self-assessment score is.

Your self-assessment results will be emailed to you upon submission.

For more extensive interpretation and assessment of these results, contact:

WMU Internal Audit Department
Joan Beffel, Sr Internal Auditor
(269) 387-3862


Values for each response are
assigned as follows:

  • Always = 2
  • Sometimes = 1
  • Never = 0
  • Not Applicable=1

A score of 20 indicates that these key components of the internal control environment are strong.

A score between 10 and 19 indicates that improvements in these key components of the internal control environment are possibly needed.

A score between 0 and 9 indicates that one or more of these key components of the internal control environment are weak.

Internal Audit Department
1903 W Michigan Ave
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5222 USA

Phone: (269) 387-3862

2019 Seibert Administration Building, Mail Stop 5222