Sindecuse Health Center
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5445 USA
(269) 387-3287
Patient Rights and Responsibilities
You have the right...
To be treated with dignity and respect regardless of your race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, age or physical ability.
- To indicate your gender identification and preferred pronoun through patient portal or in person—we want to meet you at your true self.
Be provided appropriate privacy.
Be communicated with in your primary language or manner by health care professionals and staff when needed. (Reasonable attempts will be made).
To expect confidentiality except when reporting is required by law.
To know the identity and professional title of those providing your care.
To receive health education that promotes a healthy lifestyle.
To participate in decisions involving your health care unless such participation is inadvisable for medical reasons.
To refuse service to the extent permitted by law and to be informed of the potential consequences of such actions.
To know when your care would include experimental research and to refuse participation.
To select the clinician of your choice or change clinician as available.
To be given a comprehensive explanation of the need for, and alternatives to, being referred or transferred to another health care facility if it is medically appropriate.
To receive an explanation of any charges incurred at the Health Center.
You are responsible for...
Treating Health Center staff with consideration and respect.
Establishing a working relationship with a clinician of your choice.
Knowing the identity and professional title of those providing your care.
Making an appointment whenever possible.
Being on time for your appointment at the health center and canceling when necessary so that another patient can be seen during that time.
Providing a complete and accurate medical history as well as current concerns by:
Stating clearly what your health concerns are.
Being straightforward and honest about anything related to your health problems.
Telling your clinician about any changes in your health.
Participating in decision-making about your treatment.
Understanding your recommended treatment and completing treatment as indicated.
Providing a responsible adult to transport you to and from the health center.
Knowing the names of the medications you are taking, their purpose, and reading any information that may be given out with your medication.
Notifying your clinician promptly when you are not responding to treatment.
Keeping follow-up appointments as instructed.
Communicating your concerns or satisfaction regarding treatment.
If you ever feel these rights have not been respected or if you have other concerns about your experiences at the Health Center, please let us know by completing a "comments" form in the health center or online, or indicating to a staff member that you wish to voice a concern. You will be directed to the appropriate person. We care about your concerns and want to provide you with the best care possible.