Lisa DeChano-Cook

Lisa DeChano-Cook
2106 Wood Hall, Mail Stop 5424
Mailing address:
School of Environment, Geography, and Sustainability
1903 W Michigan Ave
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5424 USA
Lisa DeChano-Cook
  • Ph.D., Environmental Geography, Texas State University San Marcos, 2000
  • M.S., Geography, Ohio University, 1997
  • M.A., Space Studies, University of North Dakota, 1994
  • B.S., General Physics, Juniata College, 1993
Teaching Interests:
  • Physical geography
  • Disasters
  • Environmental impact
Research Interests:
  • Physical and environmental geography
  • Natural hazards and hazard perception
  • Sports geography

Lisa M. DeChano-Cook is a professor in the School of Environment, Geography, and Sustainability.  The courses she typically teaches include GEOG 1050 – Physical Geography, GEOG 4260 – Disasters & Risk Management, GEOG 5570 – Environmental Impact Analysis, and GEOG 6260 – Disaster Management. Her research interests lie in the broad category of environmental geography with emphases on natural hazards and hazards perception, geomorphology, and the interaction between sports and the environment.