Integrated Program Review

WMU engages in an integrated program review process called for by the University Strategic Plan and as part of Higher Learning Commission compliance. Three types of reviews occur on five-year rotation cycles: academic program, learner support, and administrative unit. Integrated Program Review assists with continuous improvement of programs and services, demonstrates a program’s effectiveness, holds a program accountable to learners and the University, and helps with institution-wide understanding of learning outcomes and learner satisfaction. To be effective, the Integrated Program Review process and criteria are fully transparent.

Select from the following list to access the most up-to-date information available for each module of the Integrated Program Review process. 

Academic Program Review    

Learner Support Review

Administrative Unit Review    

Access to Archived Reports

Archived self-study, review, and final reports are available to all WMU faculty and staff. Simply click on the link below and enter your Bronco NetID. If this is your first time accessing the site, a request will be sent to the moderator, who will approve access upon receipt.